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An Expo journey

Updated: Sep 4, 2023

In late 2022, I was called by Spirit to organize a Mind Body Spirit EXPO for the Rockford area for the spring. Such expos are commonplace in Madison, Milwaukee, Chicago and the suburbs. It was time for our Stateline area to have our own event, to showcase all the incredible resources available right here. We have magical people and it was time to bring them into the light under one roof for one day.

The venue was rented. 6,000 square feet. The call for vendors went out. Response was through the roof. We had space for 65 vendors; 20 more were put on a waiting list.

The day of the event, April 29, 2023, the parking lot was already jammed at opening time. Hundreds and hundreds of people came through the doors. And stayed.

The energy in the room was buzzing. Readers proclaimed it was one of the best days ever for being tapped in. Vendors were swamped. All day long.

Attendee response was enthusiastic, to say the least.

What a LIFE ALTERING day!”

“Please do this again! We want this! We need this!”

And over and over again, I was asked: “What is next?”

I could not answer. I did not know.

I began a search for a slightly larger venue but nothing felt right. And all of it no longer felt like a calling. It felt more like I didn't want to let people down and I better get something booked. I had to get back to the pure place inside my soul, the divine purpose for even wanting a gathering or an "expo."

I knew it was time to surrender.

If it was meant to be, great. If now was not the right time, so be it.

With complete surrender to let Source lead the way, I relaxed. I did not book a space or date for another large expo.

I re-read my journal entries and revisited why I was called to use the name Access SOUL.

When I access my soul, answers are revealed. When I access my soul, many of the questions go away and there is no need for answers.

I want a soul-led life. More and more. Deeper and deeper.

When I spend time with my soul and my guidance, things always work out.

I am here to deepen my connection with my self and my soul.

And that means following the guidance within.

It's a long serendipitous story with crazy love from the Universe on her end and mine, a total sync up, and I am blessed to announce: Debra Smith-Andersen of Holistic Health Fairs is taking over the Rockford expo.
Our community will continue to have a mind body spirit expo right here. April 2024. See you there!

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A Love higher than the logic of our teachings wants to lead us to our truest knowing.

The call to Surrender is often the most rewarding call to answer.

What greatness unfolds when we ACCESS OUR SOUL.

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