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Conversations With God

HoneyMan and I are off to UTAH for a meditation time and some gorgeous nature. Grateful! (Thus NO MEDITATION GATHERING at our home on Monday, Oct 9. But please take the time yourself wherever you are, go within -- AND feel the group energy!) This week we revisited Conversations With God (book 2) and this jumped out: (--If the label GOD does not resonate for you, use Source, The Universe, Spirit, Oneness, whatever label you use....) We find God together. That is always the best way to find God. Together. We shall never find God apart. We shall never find God so long as WE are apart. For the first step in finding that we are not apart from God is finding that we are not apart from each other, and until we know and realize that all of US are One, we cannot know and realize that we and God are One. God is not apart from us, ever, and we only think we are apart from God. We also think we are apart from each other. The fastest way to "find God" is to find each other. Woohoo! Neale Donald Walsh talking about UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS way back in 1997! I also love this snippet of conversation: If someone told you that you could have direct Connection with God and all you had to do was have pen and paper, would you do it? OF COURSE! The Good News is you don't even need a pad and pen. I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS. I don't live in the pen. I LIVE IN YOU. If it works for you to take out a pad and pen, then take out a pad and pen. More often. Every day. Every hour, if you have to. Get close to me. Do what you can. Do what you have to. Say a rosary. Kiss a stone. Bow to the East. Chant a chant. Swing a pendulum. Test a muscle. Do what it takes for you. I love this so much. I do find GodSource with paper and pen. And I know we each find our connection in our own way. Respect that. Do what works for you. Source is in us, is us. Do what resonates with you to make that truth reveal itself more and more. Whatever you do is right for you. And so it is. Much love, Kelly We have people coming in from farflung areas to be with us for QUANTUM HEALING WEEKEND with Matt Schmidt! PLEASE JOIN US! FRIDAY 11/3 @6pm ASTRAL TRAVEL: Meet Your Star/Galactic Family $30 More info and to Register here: SATURDAY 11/4 @9AM QUANTUM FIELD Ancestors, Spirit Guides/Guardian Angels $30 More info and to Register here: SATURDAY 11/4 @1-5PM HEAL YOURSELF WORKSHOP A life-enrichment workshop to learn self-healing $75 More info and to Register here: (If funds are an issue and you really want/need the HEAL YOURSELF workshop, Matt has some scholarships available. Please reach out to me. No one is turned away from this important information.)

“Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.” ~Chinese Proverb

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