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What do you invoke in your life?


Hello from HOT California!

Taking a break on the shady deck at our AirBnB. The temps dipped below 100 for today. Oh, how I love the shade!

TOO MUCH to share! The 4-day event with spiritual teachers Kyle Cease, Dr. Kim D’ Eramo, and Aaron Abke was a fantastic experience on every level.  We then scooted up north to the Sequoia National Forest. Our bazillion photos do not do justice to the immensity and oh-my-heart-wow of these giant trees.

The two “main events” of this trip are glorious, yet SO MUCH MORE has happened. If anyone has read and was moved by Autobiography of a Yogi, send me a reply and I will share our Yogananda story.

Today’s unexpected JOY is fresh California fruit, ripe and ready, right off the trees into our mouths. Plums, peaches, oranges, nectarines….no cost, a gift of love from the tiny town of Woodlake and their free botanical garden.

There have been MANY unexpected joys. Which reminds me of a favorite quote:

André Gide — 'Seize from every moment it's unique novelty, and do not prepare your joys.'

AND NOW! The real mission for this missive!


MONDAY, JULY 1 Meditation Monday is the LAST ONE at our current Joy House on Prairie Flower!

TUESDAY, JULY 2 Intuitive Tuesday is the LAST ONE at our current Joy House on Prairie Flower!

SO PLEASE JOIN US in giving thanks and blessings and deep gratitude for all that has transpired in this living room. If you have been to an event over the years at our Joy House and want to feel the love at this address one more time, please show up. There will be snacks! (RSVP via the Eventbrite link).

We know the next Joy House - also in ROSCOE - (with angel number 8484) will be magic and miracles too. I look forward to all kinds of goodness revealing there! God/Source/Spirit/Creator is pulling the strings, so we say yes and go, even though the logical mind says this makes no sense. (Making sense is totally overrated! FOLLOW THE HEART!)

(Move date is July 22. I said the Universe is my Realtor and yep, easy peasy. I now proclaim the Universe is my moving logistics arranger. Ease and grace in every little detail. So be it, so it is!)

The remaining four Monday evenings of July, we meet for Meditation at Rock Valley College.

JULY 8, 15, 22, 29

6:30 pm

Classroom Bldg II (CL II) ROOM 225


If you have questions, hit me up.

For now, we enjoy the last stretch of time in California and invoke smooth travels for our return home to Roscoe.


Much love,






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